Chart Generator

€ million 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Order intake 2453.8 2303.5 2265.3 2156.6 2261.2
Sales revenue 2383.2 2245.9 2205.0 2165.7 2334.8
Orders on hand 1409.3 1353.9 1260.8 1200.6 1209.7
Earnings before finance income / expense, income tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) 195.5 179.2 186.9 162.6 176.5
Earnings before finance income / expense and income tax (EBIT) 113.6 74.7 116.4* 90.0* 103.7#*
Earnings before income tax (EBT) 103.4 65.6 104.2 74.6 93.4
Earnings after income tax 58.5 23.9 52.1 47.8 52.2
Free cash flow (cash flows from operating activities + cash flows from investing activities) 70.9 -29.1 112.5 20.5 82.1
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    1. Jahr Wert
      {%category.title%} {%[$index] | number %}
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